Friday, October 12, 2007

Pain In The Ass

So i just wasted a solid hour+ of my time and have already spent $20 bucks on computer access at the Monterey FedEx Kinko's trying to get my pics uploaded, with nothing to show for it...apparently i've taken ~480 pics since i last put pics up on this blog, including wedding weekend pics, Santa Barbara, Big Sur, and Monterey aquarium them all dumped on to the hard drive here before realizing there's no practical way to get them all uploaded to a photo hoster in any reasonable amount of time...and it would take hours (@ $0.20 a minute) to post them all directly to now i've got all the damn pictures dumped onto a CD-ROM as well as the flash drive i brought with me...and it's getting late and i'm sick of sitting in front of this damn i'm gonna call it quits for tonight, i think i'm really just going to have to try to borrow a friend's computer in SanFran so i can get these pics uploaded to Photobucket and at least put the links to the albums in a blog post or something...damn it all to hell, i'm heading back to the hostel and going to sleep...back with an update tomorrow or the next day, but probably no pics until early next week at the soonest...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Nitin! I love your blog. Just finally getting a chance to sit down and read about your trip. It sounds like you are having a great time (despite the PIA photo issues!!). Hopefully you find a way to get some more photos posted. Anyway enjoy the rest of your trip!! Go Terps!