Monday, October 22, 2007

Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!

forgot to mention this when blogging last night...received the following email from the hostel i'm supposed to stay at in Redwoods National Park later this week:

Hi Nitin. I hope this email finds you well. We have you booked into Redwood Hostel starting Friday night. Unfortunately, we have been experiencing a bear problem and may need to close the hostel for the weekend. Today, our front door was propped open and a large bear wandered in. National Park rangers are presently tracking the bear in the hopes of catching him (or her). But for our guests’ safety, we may need to close the hostel.

It is our hope to be able to remain open, but we can not if our guests are in danger. Whether we can stay open depends to a large degree on whether the bear is trapped tonight. Please know that if we must close, we will do what we can to help you find other accommodations. If you get this message, please call the hostel Friday morning, between 8-11am Pacific, at either the number below, or toll-free at 888-GO-HIUSA (when prompted to enter 3 digits, enter KLA for Klamath), to find out if we will be open.

Thank you and we apologize for any inconvenience,
Kaci and Ryan

Yikes! i'm gonna give them a call this morning before heading off for the wineries...hope they caught that bear!

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