Friday, October 5, 2007

Pics - Thursday - San Clemente and the beachhouse

Here are a bunch of pics i took thursday...most are of San Clemente, with a couple of pics of folks hanging out around the fire at the beachhouse in the evening...anytime i'm in such a pretty area, i tend to take a ton of pics, and yesterday in San Clemente was no exception...there's a lot of pics in this post but even more that i didn't bother putting up...sorry if some of them are repetitious, i couldn't decide which ones to put in and which ones to leave out! probably not going to do much more blogging this weekend...rehearsal dinner starts in about an hour, and from there on out it's going to be wedding-related activities for the rest of the weekend...anyways, enjoy the always, click on any pic to see the full-size version...

walking from the parking lot down towards the beach

walking down to the beach and pier

on the hill overlooking the beach

looking down at the pier; the building on the left where the pier begins is the Fisherman's Bar and Restaurant, where we stopped for beers and delicious, delicious steak tacos

looking north up the shoreline. i think that building is some kind of National Park Service outpost

the road that runs alongside the walkway leading to the beach/pier

lots of surfers in the water yesterday

more surfers; i really like how this one came out, with the wave breaking right as i was taking the pic

more surfers. the clouds rolled in yesterday afternoon and partially obscured the sun for most of the time we were in San Clemente. On the downside, this made it a little chilly. On the plus side, the sunlight took on a really diffused quality breaking through the clouds, casting everything in an almost misty, dream-like haze. you'll see this in a lot of the pics in this post.

i'm really happy with this one. had been trying for a couple days to get a good surfing action shot, both at the beachhouse in Oceanside and in San Clemente. As you can imagine, it's pretty damned hard, you have to have perfect timing and a little luck. I think mine is due more to dumb luck than skillful timing. we were standing on the pier when i took this pic, which is why we appear to be hovering over the surfer.

don't know what they call this sport...parasurfing? paraboarding? something like that. anyways, it looks like a lot of fun.

the sun breaking through the clouds. pic taken from the end of the pier.

the ocean. pic taken from end of pier.

couple of fisherman fishing off the end of the pier

looking back at San Clemente from the end of the pier

this fellow was posing for us. he kept turning around to look at the camera and let us get pretty close. as soon as we were done taking pics of him and walked away, he flew over to another part of the pier where there were some more tourists and repeated the whole posing/preening routine for them. a local walking by had a good laugh and told us that this particular pelican is known around these parts for posing for tourists. i think the guy said they call him "Johnny Pelican". then again, he may have just been messing with the out-of-towners.

another Johnny Pelican pic

me and Strubes on the pier

looking north up the shoreline, waves breaking

another pic looking north along the shoreline

looking south along the shoreline

another view of the shoreline looking north

looking south along the shoreline

San Clemente, from the end of the pier, facing south

looking south along the shoreline (i warned you that some of the pics are pretty repetitive!)

looking south along the shoreline

sitting around the campfire, (l to r), jill, nicole, nate, and kristen

sitting around the fire, (l to r) kat, erin, and jill


Anonymous said...

Great pics Nitin! Keep em coming!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad you loved San Clemente. My sister lived there for awhile. I have spent several holidays in good old San Clemente. Loved seeing the pictures!!

P.Nitty said...

thanks ladies, really glad you liked the pics :)